Are you getting enough sleep?


Sleep is underrated – no doubt about it.  We insist on doing without and push our bodies on and on regardless.

We all know lack of sleep makes us grumpy but did you know that it can also impact on memory, health, sex life, looks and can even interfere with our ability to lose weight?

Too little sleep leaves us prone to

  1. Accidents – our reactions become slowed and we are more likely to make mistakes on the job if we are tired.
  2. Less brain power – with direct impact on our ability to think and learn, lack of sleep lowers our attention span and concentration levels.
  3. Depression – lack of sleep can contribute to depression over time.  Insomnia and depression feed off each other.
  4. Aging Skin – tired bodies release more Cortisol (the stress hormone) which can break down Collegen.
  5. Poor tissue repair – Human Growth Hormone is released only in deep sleep when it repairs the wear and tear of the day.

And the list goes on…………..


On to the QUICK tips for better sleep then

Routine – try to go to bed at the same time and rise at the same time every day. No sleeping in even at weekends and limit napping (if you must) to 15 – 20 minutes in early afternoon.

Combat after eating drowsiness by getting off that sofa – do the washing up, chat on the phone to a friend, walk the dog or get thinks prepared for the day ahead.

Light – during the day get out into direct sunlight if possible.  Ensure you get natural light both at home and at work.  At night avoid blue screens or backlit devices including TV 1 -2 hours before bed and make sure your bedroom is dark – sounds obvious but with early mornings the light will wake you early and outside light will keep you awake during the night.

Get Comfortable – heat and cold will impact on sleep, is your bedding and pillow right for you to get comfortable, is your mattress supportive enough.

Exercise – include some physical activity in your day wherever possible but not too close to bedtime as this will energise your body.

Manage Stress – this is a biggy for lots of us – switching your brain off ready for sleep is difficult if you are stressing about matters.  Try to relax, maybe read a book, talk to a friend or take a bath.  Try a little meditation or use a small notepad to write down the things that are worrying you and put it down beside your bed – leave the worries in the notepad.

Much of this is common sense and we have probably heard it all before  but we still don’t listen to our bodies and act – give it a try.

Right – I’m off for a snooze!!

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