Are YOU Ready? Week 1


So to set our course for 2017 we will spend this session reviewing 2016 to lay the foundations for Best Year, Best You!

This should take about 30 minutes and will get you thinking – note the points down so you can see your journey.

  • What were your top 3 achievements last year?  doesn’t matter if they were small or large or what they were – just the 3 things that made you proud.  How did this make you feel?  What did you gain from these achievements?  How did they add to your journey?
  • What were your 3 biggest challenges last year?  What did you find hard? why was it so hard? How did you overcome your challenges?  Will you be carrying forward any of your challenges into 2017? How did these challenges affect your journey?
  • What are your 3 big learnings from last year? Did you uncover any strengths or weaknesses? Were your values or beliefs challenged/Changed?  Did you acknowledge any fears?  Can you see how you might use these learnings going forward?  Do you see the positives in these learnings?

We often rush through life so fast that we forget to “smell the Roses” and all years’ have highs and lows and by acknowledging this we can build a picture of our last year that we can take positives from and move forward.  Even acknowledging the negatives can give us a start to focus on the change we want in our lives and change is everything for your Best Year, Best You!

Next lets look at relationships – and by that I mean all relationships, new, old, friends, partners, family or work colleagues.  What did you add to these relationships?  Did you neglect anyone?  How did you enhance your relationship with someone?  Did any new people come into your life?  Will they be involved in your 2017 journey?  Do you want to invest more/less time in a particular relationship?

Now,  let’s not forget the fun we had in 2016 – what are your highlights?  What did you enjoy?  Holiday? trip away? new challenge? new job? more me time?  reading more?  get them all down on paper and relive your thoughts and feelings about these times.  NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF FUN!

Finally – What are/were you grateful for in your life, last year and now?  We all have many things we can be grateful for however, do we give them thought?  I know I don’t – not enough anyway.  The thing about spending time thinking about what you are grateful for ALWAYS improves the mood and outlook on the day and why wouldn’t you want to do that?  Positive focus is key to happy living and although things will not always be perfect in our daily lives we can always find something to be grateful for – even if it’s just being grateful that we have taken the moment to try to  focus on the positive!

This morning I was grateful for a good nights sleep – so simple but just by acknowledging this my day has started on an up note!

So that is week 1 – any comments or questions will be gratefully received and answered.  Thanks for reading and HAVE A GOOD WEEK!





Self Development Coaching


I have recently embarked on a new chapter in my Self awareness and have begun training to become a Life Coach, focusing on Self Development and Goal  Setting.

Coaching is a form of development in which a person called a coach supports a client in achieving a specific personal or professional goal by providing training, advice and guidance.

Coaching is NOT……..

Therapy.  It does not focus on your past, healing deep emotional wounds, or resolving symptoms.  The coach assumes that the client is capable,  whole and able to work  to develop a plan based on the their values and goals.

Consulting. The coach is not there to have all the answers and solve all of the client’s problems. The coach may frequently challenge the client to take action toward their goals, but does not  “tell the client what to do”.

Friendship. The give and take of relationship is vital to all of us, coaching differs in that the focus is all on the client and what will give them maximum benefit.

Cheerleading.  Anyone can offer basic support and encouragement; however, a coach also teaches specific skills to help people change their behaviour.

’52 Small Steps’ was created as part of my growth plan.

So before reviewing some highlights from last year, thinking about challenges faced or what was learned – let’s think about clearing the decks.

Focus on your well-being as mentioned in the last post – give the Phone detox a go and also spend a little time looking at your eating/drinking habits to see if there is anything you would like to change. Lack of sleep often defeats us before we even start with our tasks so a review of sleeping patterns/times/habits is another good thing to focus on this week.

Think about how you will record your progress, should you want to – in a journal, in a blog, diary or share with another.

I would suggest that you decide what level of commitment you will give to this development – can you set aside a certain time/space for this each week?  will commitment be one of the distractions you will face?

How committed are you to your personal development?   Do you want to change things in your life?  How will you keep motivated?  Do you have small goals or just one huge one? Have you even decided which direction you want to go in?

With all these questions in mind take that time for yourself and then, in WEEK 1 we will spend one session on looking back on 2016 before we lay the foundation for 2017!


Best Year, Best You!